Top star wins after 259 days, LA Knight in a huge rematch, and more (Tupelo, MS, 11/18)

The results are in for WWE Saturday Night's Main Event, held in Tupelo, Mississippi, on Saturday, November 18, 2023. This was one of the two house shows held on the same day and featured top stars from SmackDown in action.

The event kicked off with a six-man tag team match that saw Carlito, Joaquin Wilde, and Cruz Del Toro of the Latino World Order take on Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits. Despite the recent implosion within the group, the Mexican faction came out on top.

Next up, Ridge Holland defeated Karrion Kross in a singles match. This was the former's first one-on-one match in nearly five months and first singles victory since March 5, 2023.

Elsewhere on the card, Shotzi defeated Bayley, while Kofi Kingston defeated Ivar in a Viking Rules Match. The show also featured a tag team contest in which Dragon Lee and Cameron Grimes joined forces to defeat Pretty Deadly.

The only title match of the night saw IYO SKY defend her WWE Women's Championship against Charlotte Flair and Bianca Belair in a triple-threat bout. Despite being a rival of both babyfaces, The Genius of the Sky managed to walk out with gold around her waist.

The event was headlined by LA Knight, who faced Grayson Waller in the main event. The Megastar once again defeated the heel, concluding an action-packed evening.

Complete WWE Saturday Night's Main Event results

Here are the complete WWE Live event results from Tupelo, Mississippi, courtesy of Wrestling Bodyslam:

  • The LWO (Carlito, Cruz Del Toro, and Joaquin Wilde) defeated Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins)
  • Ridge Holland defeated Karrion Kross
  • Shotzi defeated Bayley
  • Kofi Kingston defeated Ivar in a Viking Rules Match
  • Dragon Lee & Cameron Grimes defeated Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince and Kit Wilson)
  • WWE Women's Title Match – IYO SKY (c) retained over Charlotte Flair and Bianca Belair in a triple threat
  • LA Knight defeated Grayson Waller

That's all from the show in Tupelo, Mississippi. The RAW roster also stopped in Canton, Ohio, for another house show on the same day. Click here to check out the results of that event.

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